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Animes are Japanese cartoons, but are becoming increasingly popular in other countries. One important feature of a good anime is a catchy theme, tune or sound track. A good example of this is one of Britain’s favourites: Totoro. This is a movie about two young girls who move house, only to discover that magical creatures live there with them! The song has even had an English cover made. 































Heavy Metal:

A few years ago, a band called ‘Baby Metal’ was formed. Its three members were between twelve and fourteen years old. They combined very popular J-Pop with heavy metal to make a very original combination! People abroad found this very strange, but it caught on and now Baby Metal have just finished a world tour. 


































J-Pop is simple a shortened form of Japanese pop music. Although it isn’t very popular in Britain, there are a few songs that have gone viral, such as Pon Pon Pon by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. This hase also been translated into English

By Frankie Ridler, Year 9

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